The 2024 Bid-Well Training School for May 1st-May 2nd is now fully booked.
Be on the look out later this year for information on the 2025 Training School.
Our school provides an excellent opportunity for new and veteran operators, supervisors and engineers to train on the use of Bid-Well Automatic Roller Pavers. The school is two days in length, providing the student with a comprehensive understanding of the setup, operation and troubleshooting of Bid-Well equipment.
Day 1:
Includes a series of lectures that will cover:
• Machine Set up
• Bridge paving applications
• Texture and curing applications
• Controller adjustment and troubleshooting
• Skewed deck applications
• Screed rail and chair set up
• Road, highway and airport paving applications
• Thin bonded overlay applications
• Slope and canal applications
• A multitude of other topics
Day 2 :
Consists of a demonstration pour using a Bid-Well paver on or around the Bid-Well campus in Canton, South Dakota.
The students will receive hands on training in the setup and operation of a paver for a standard pour. After lunch on the second day the students will be given a tour of the Bid-Well campus.