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The 200th AT40 Goes To Work For Boom Logistics

Boom AT40 200th Franna


THE 80’S WAS A DECADE MARKED by groundbreaking inventions. Among them, the world saw the first transplant of an artificial heart, MTV’s first broadcast, the development of the first ever CD player by Sony, the introduction of the internet, the development of mobile phones, and the widespread adoption of personal computers.

However, two years prior to this era of innovation, the crane industry witnessed engineer Dave Francis revolutionising the crane market and conceptualised the world’s first pick and carry crane using old truck components. The crane, initially beginning as a humble eight tonne capacity model, has evolved to now become one of the most utilised machines in the Australian industry, evidenced by Franna pick and carry cranes consisting of at least 50 per cent of cranes being used on any given day. 

Throughout the 45 years since its inception, the design of the Franna pick and carry crane has evolved, with the market now presented with the AT22, MAC25, and the AT40 that make up over 90 per cent of today’s pick and carry crane market share. 

The plaudits don’t stop there for the Australian manufacturer either because, due to their high level of reliability and performance, Franna has achieved its latest milestone: selling its 200th ever AT40 to publicly listed crane hire company Boom Logistics. “Pick and carry cranes such as Franna cranes are integral part of the Australian lifting culture,” says Boom’s CEO, Ben Pieyre. “They offer such a different service to the crane market, and they are essential for any crane fleet.” 

With about 20 years of experience in the crane hire industry, Ben has seen his fair share of cranes. As the president of the Crane Industry Council of Australia and the current CEO of ASX-listed company, Boom Logistics, he says he’s never come across anything like the Franna pick and carry crane working in Australia, Europe, Asia and North America. “Until recently, the design is one that’s hardly been used overseas because of its Australian accepted practice and regulations,” he says.

Speaking about his decision to purchase Boom Logistics’ tenth AT40, Ben says the heavier capacity of the crane provides a unique point of difference to Boom’s operations.  “The 40-tonne capacity is really helping us gain some ground; having the extra tonnage available to us broadens the  cope of work that we can achieve,” he says. “The AT40 offers a lot of extra efficiencies in all our applications of mining,  infrastructure, construction, and renewables.” 

Since being launched in 2016 at the national CICA Conference, the AT40 as broadened the horizons of many a crane owner in the Australian crane industry. The heaviest capacity pick and carry  crane in the Franna portfolio, the machine possesses a 19.8m maximum boom length, a 35-degree articulation on both sides, and a maximum operating radius of just under 16m at which it can lift three tonnes.

Featuring a three-axle  design, the crane doesn’t need a removable counterweight, and the third axle can be raised independently when the  machine is operating providing a similar turning circle to its smaller counterparts. On the technology front, the AT40 contains Franna’s Dynamic Load Moment Indicator (LMI), a system that provides the operator with live data and  calculation of the crane’s rated capacity that factors in boom configuration, chassis articulation, pitch and roll, and  forward and side stability.

For Ben, the biggest addition to the safety of a Franna crane has been the 360-degree camera,  labelling it as a “great add on to safety and the product offering”. The technology features a ten-inch screen with four  cameras that are capable of providing a 360 or 270-degree realtime view depending on the operator’s preference,  eliminating blind spots for the driver and enhancing the crane’s safety. “By nature, as a pick and carry crane, the operator is travelling from place to place with heavy loads,” he says. “Having the 360-degree camera really enhances awareness for the operator, and it helps the operator understand where people are around the load.” 

With a fleet of over 300 cranes ranging from its three-tonne Maedas through to its 800-tonne capacity Liebherr, Boom Logistics is in possession of a vast and diverse crane fleet. As Ben alluded to, Franna’s pick and carry cranes  making up a significant amount of the publicly listed crane hire company’s fleet and, operating all across Australia, post- sale service and support is an integral aspect of purchasing and successfully operating a crane.

Franna, through its four support workshops stationed in Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney, ensures that it can deliver any extra equipment  or spare parts that are necessary to its customers efficiently and effectively. On top of that, however, Ben says Franna is extremely accommodating to unique, tailor-made requests that Boom sends to the Australian manufacturer to collaborate effectively on innovations. “Franna has a really proactive team,” he says. “We’re able to table whatever issues  we’re having, or any potential improvements that we want to suggest, and we know it will be fully received and embraced.” Franna’s customer-centric approach was something elaborated on in the March issue of Cranes and Lifting, with Design Engineer Mitchell Orupold discussing his ‘square-pegs into round-holes’ job of finding fixes to custom requests.

For Ben and the team at Boom, having a receptive attitude from a manufacturer who understands the climate and country they  are operating in is invaluable in providing a fast, effective service. “Ultimately, the product is an Australian built machine for the Australian market,” he says, “and Franna really understand the needs of the customers they’re working with.” 

And so, along with MTV, the world’s first artificial heart, and the Sony CD player, the  Franna pick and carry crane also stands with the other groundbreaking inventions among the rich tapestry of the 1980s.  Franna’s pick and carry crane emerged as a symbol of ongoing success and adaptability, playing a crucial role in shaping  he landscape of the Australian crane industry.

Article republished with permission. Original Article can be found at https://www.cranesandlifting.com.au/boom-logistics-purchases-the-200th-franna-at40/