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Innovation and Growth: Update on the construction of the new production hall

At Fuchs, a new additional production hall, including office buildings, social areas, and an outdoor testing area, is currently being built on the factory premises in Bad Schönborn. The enormous steel structure of the new production hall has already been successfully assembled and completed. However, it only marks the beginning of an exciting phase for Fuchs.

The new hall not only serves to increase production capacity but also enables the expansion of the product portfolio with additional impressive large machines for port handling. Through advanced technologies and resulting process optimization, the hall will contribute to providing innovative solutions.

The dimensions of the state-of-the-art hall are impressive: It stretches over a length of approximately 105 meters and covers an area of around 3,500 square meters. The load capacity of the hall floors is 230 tons. To meet the specific requirements of the manufacturing process, the hall will be realized in two different building heights. Modern control and weighing techniques are employed, allowing the lifting and moving of workpieces or fully assembled uppercarriages weighing up to 230 tons.

Fuchs' strategic direction aims to offer machines with an operating weight of over 100 tons in the future. This path has already been successfully taken with the introduction of the new F120MH – a groundbreaking step towards our strategic goals.

The emerging opportunities, capacities, and the expansion of the product range with large machines promise not only growth for Fuchs but also innovative solutions for the demanding requirements of the port industry. 

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