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Terex Tower Cranes Expands Leadership in North America
Terex Tower Cranes is pleased to announce that Lee Maynard, Global Sales Director for Terex Tower Cranes, has expanded his responsibilities to include North America.Maggiori informazioni: of Terex Tower Cranes Expands Leadership in North America -
Terex Tower Cranes nomina un nuovo partner per l’Italia
Terex® Tower Cranes è lieta di annunciare la firma di un accordo con Mevi per le regioni Lombardia, Piemonte, Liguria, Toscana ed Emilia-Romagna.Maggiori informazioni: of Terex Tower Cranes nomina un nuovo partner per l’Italia -
Terex Tower Cranes Unveils Vision under Francesco Aiello, New General Manager
Terex Tower and Self Erecting Cranes is pleased to announce the appointment of Francesco Aiello as its new General Manager.Maggiori informazioni: of Terex Tower Cranes Unveils Vision under Francesco Aiello, New General Manager -
Lift24 Appointed as Terex Self Erecting Cranes Distributor in Central Poland
Terex® Self Erecting Cranes is pleased to announce the appointment of Lift24 as its authorised distributor in Poland.Maggiori informazioni: of Lift24 Appointed as Terex Self Erecting Cranes Distributor in Central Poland -
Terex Self-Erecting Cranes Announce New Distributor for Western Poland
Terex® Self-Erecting Cranes is pleased to announce the appointment of EWPA to represent its full range of equipment in Western Poland.Maggiori informazioni: of Terex Self-Erecting Cranes Announce New Distributor for Western Poland -
STK Elevates Crane-Fleet with order of 10 Terex Tower Cranes
Stravers Torenkranen(STK), a tower crane specialist based in the Netherlands, has placed its largest single order for 10 CTT Flat Top Terex Tower Cranes.Maggiori informazioni: of STK Elevates Crane-Fleet with order of 10 Terex Tower Cranes -
Introducing the CTT 152-6 Flat Top Tower Crane by Terex
Terex has launched its CTT 152-6 Flat Top Crane, designed to set new standards in performance, safety, and efficiency in the construction industry.Maggiori informazioni: of Introducing the CTT 152-6 Flat Top Tower Crane by Terex -
Select Adds Three Terex Luffing-Jib Cranes to its Impressive Fleet
Terex Tower Cranes is pleased to announce that Select Plant Hire has purchased three CTL 1600-66 luffing-jib cranes to add to its fleet.Maggiori informazioni: of Select Adds Three Terex Luffing-Jib Cranes to its Impressive Fleet -
Kranlyft Appointed as Terex Self-Erecting Cranes Distributor for UK & Ireland
Terex® Self Erecting Cranes is pleased to announce the appointment of Kranlyft UK as authorised distributor for the UK and Ireland.Maggiori informazioni: of Kranlyft Appointed as Terex Self-Erecting Cranes Distributor for UK & Ireland -
New Area Sales Support Manager for Eastern Europe
Terex Tower Cranes is pleased to announce Tomasz Opaliński as the new Area Sales Support Manager for Eastern Europe, CIS, and Turkey.Maggiori informazioni: of New Area Sales Support Manager for Eastern Europe -
La gru in alta quota
Una gru Flat Top Terex FC 6.24H, montata utilizzando un elicottero, è all’opera per eseguire gli interventi di ristrutturazione e ampliamento del Rifugio Passo Principe, a quota 2.601 m s.l.m. nelle Dolomiti: un vero e proprio terrazzo sul Gruppo del Catinaccio.Maggiori informazioni: of La gru in alta quota -
Terex Tower Cranes per la ristrutturazione delle Torri di Trento
Da quasi cinquant’anni svettano sullo skyline di Trento, con i loro 13 piani di altezza. Sono le 14 Torri di Madonna Bianca, costruite nel 1975 a Trento Sud e che oggi ospitano oltre 500 famiglie, in tutto circa 1400 abitanti.Maggiori informazioni: of Terex Tower Cranes per la ristrutturazione delle Torri di Trento