Call them robots,

call them pickers,
call them recyclers


What they do is spotless waste sorting work

ZenRobotics offers three products: Heavy Picker for bulky waste, Fast Picker for lighter waste, and ZenBrain to make them both intelligent.

Need a hand in picking the right one for you?



Why does it pay off to robotize your waste operations?

Automation makes facilities smarter. AI-powered robots replace inefficient and costly manual processes, making sure valuable recyclables aren’t wasted. It will look a little different with each operator, but these are the underlying reasons why more and more operators are robotizing their waste sorting processes.


This is what 15+ years of industry-defining product development means in practice:


Heavy Picker

Multipurpose waste sorting robot for bulky material. Equipped with sturdy arms, various sensors and artificial intelligence. Provides a simple, unmanned sorting process and makes waste sorting more accurate, safe and profitable.

Picks per hour / 1 arm

up to 2300

Max. object weight


Robotic arms

As Many As Required

Recovered material purity

up to 99%

Fast Picker

High-speed waste sorting robot for maximizing material recovery. Compactly designed for easy integration to existing processes and conveyors in material recovery facilities (MRFs). Increases profits by enabling fully automated sorting and higher output purity.

Picks per minute
up to 80

Unit length
1944 mm

Working area
1200 x 600 mm

Recovered material purity
up to 99%




Artificial intelligence for sorting robots. Highly advanced recognition ability and autonomous decision-making. Provides actionable data and a steep learning curve in optimizing waste sorting efficiency.

Over 500 waste categories trained

Versatile AI-sensors

Autonomous real-time decision making

What's your sorting task?

Fill in the details and lets talk ➡

Or talk to sales directly:

Tel: +358 50 4363803

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