Designed to work independently or with the other Terex Washing Systems range of equipment as part of an entire plant, the M-Range is ideal for short to medium term projects.
The traditional wheel mounted M084 & M390, comprising of a Feeder, Reject Grid, Feed Conveyor & forward facing Screen, offers an excellent entry level robust washing unit with maximum flexibility for integration into a larger plant.
The more familiar Track mounted M1400, M1700 & M2100 offer the same features on a larger capacity unit, with the added benefit of fully hydraulic folding on-board conveyors.
M-Range machines are available with various engine or dual power electric options.
Capable of producing up to 5 products, they also offer adaption kits to convert to a dry screening application within hours, resulting in the M-series being the most flexible units on the market.
2 & 3 deck variants are available.
Track mounted or wheeled mobile washing screens with integrated feed hopper and on-board discharge conveyors
Engine options to suit tier 3 & tier 4 as well as dual power electric drive options
Hydraulic adjusted screen angle for optimum screening performance.
Quick set up time typically under 15 minutes
Choice of grid and screen media options to suit your application
Rubber lined catchbox for single or two grades of sand
Fines conveyor option for dry screening for maximum machine versatility