Our constantly evolving product and process solutions ensure maximum productivity and most importantly product quality.
As an Island nation with high population density and high construction activity the UK has become a national case study in construction materials recycling. Terex Washing have been at the vanguard of UK recycling process developments, leading the move from a crush and screen approach to a more holistic value addition format. With the ability to draw upon unmatched crushing, screening, washing and water management Terex offers the most complete and proven solutions available anywhere. We fully understand the specific challenges raised by recycled materials: high variability of materials, need for high quality production, limited water availability, constraints on planning parameters and land availability, preferences for systems which can be easily relocated if required. Our AggWash and AggreScrub systems demonstrate our recognition of these issues and our ability to bring solutions, having been primarily designed for the construction and demolition recycling sector. Of course they have since proved their value in a wide range of applications.
Construction and demolition waste recycling is now one of the most eagerly discussed sectors within the construction materials industry at an international level and TWS is uniquely ready to meet this challenge. Our constantly evolving product and process solutions ensure maximum productivity and most importantly product quality. From a commercial perspective the operator can expect higher output, higher revenue products, lower waste generation and low production costs.