

Site Prep Not Looking Back With CBI Magnum Force 6400

Feature story in the January/February 2015 issue of Recycling Product News

Thomas McKellar hails from a business/marketing and land development background. Today, he is President and owner of Site Prep, a cutting-edge land clearing business specializing in pipeline right-of-ways (generally 50 miles and less) as well as general construction site clearing. He also runs BiomassChippers.us, an in-woods chipping and grinding specialist company.

McKellar definitely considers himself to be, in part, a waste-wood/organic materials recycler. With Site Prep he has about eight years of what he calls big pipeline experience, clearing land on right-of-way construction jobs, and managing the resulting organic materials. For the majority of his time as owner of Site Prep, McKellar has used tracked mulchers for his stump grinding and land clearing work. In the fall of 2014, he purchased a CBI Magnum Force 6400T horizontal tracked grinder manufactured by Newton, New Hampshire-based Continental Biomass Industries. He is currently using it in place of multiple pieces of equipment, including his old stump grinders and his former chippers and horizontal grinders, which he has since sold. He says he has not looked back.
Read the full article here:
CBI Article Recycling Product News January/February 2015