
Orchard Recycling

Sustainable grinding and chipping of orchards

How are orchard trees recycled?Whole orchard recycling grinders and chippers

Whole Orchard Recycling (WOR) is both an economical and sustainable alternative to the open burning of agricultural waste. When growers need to remove old trees, CBI grinders and chippers efficiently process the material. End product can be recycled in various ways.

Orchard recycling can incorporate the biomass back into the ground and improve soil performance for the next generation of trees. This emerging practice turns a problem into a sustainable solution. 

CBI machines are ideal for orchard recycling applications because of their mobility and high-volume production. The versatility of a 6400CT’s “cassette-style” rotor allows owners to quickly switch from a chipping rotor to a grinding rotor.


CBI 6400CT chipping almond trees with a 2-pocket chipping rotor.